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Phil McGrath

0423 284 407

Phil McGrath

Philip McGrath is a maker/tinkerer based in Newcastle, NSW. A Lake Macquarie native, Phil has had a lifelong interest in the inner workings of machines and industrial technology – how they work, why they work, and where they might be repurposed in new and unexpected ways. Phil uses recontextualised machine and industrial components to create sprung-posable articulated (or balanced arm) lamps, and lamps that aren't - some things that aren't lamps at all.

Phil considers himself to be a work-in-progress artist and has found The Creator Incubator to be an ideal environment to continue developing his skills, seeking to achieve a greater sophistication in his work, both literally and artistically. Phil is inspired by, and has a great fascination for the machine aesthetic, and aims to broaden his creative endeavours further into the field of automata and kinetic sculpture.

We at The Creator Incubator acknowledge that we are meeting and working on the traditional country of the Awabakal and Worimi peoples. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs, and continuing relationship with the land, and that they are the proud survivors of more than two hundred years of dispossession - land never ceded.

15a/50 Clyde Street
Hamilton North NSW 2292


site design by Bella Snape
© 2023 The Creator Incubator PTY LTD

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