
Bridie Watt
'Brilliant hopes, all woven in gorgeous tissues,
Flaunting gaily in the golden light;
Large desires with most certain issues;
Tender wishes, blossoming at night'.
Excerpt from FLOWERS
by H.W Longfellow
Bridie Watt presents LUSH, a collection and installation of new artworks. These 'Mobile Murals' and mixed media works seek to bring the outside in.
Hanging like 'Verdure Tapestries' the 'Mobile Murals' are colossal floral style paintings which act as a meditation on the beauty and power of nature. Presented and installed in an ornamental fashion, Bridie explores the idea of flora as decorative embellishments with somewhat kitsch like connotations.
Bridie Watt is an artist driven by a will to connect and communicate with people visually, she applies her creative spirit to all aspects of her world. Painting and drawing are the backbone of her practice, however, she is equally at home working on a large wall in a busy street or performing as one of her many comic characters.
Colour is paramount to Bridies practice, her knowledge and use of colour is intuitive and inviting, she experiments with texture, shape, and reoccurring patterns to create layers that dance between representational and non-representational objects. The compositions demonstrate a personal connection and love of the natural world as well as investigations into history and storytelling.
Bridie has been exhibiting her artworks in solo and group shows since completing an honors degree at Newcastle University in 1996. She has exhibited in various galleries around Newcastle and Sydney and she has also created various landmark murals around Newcastle which have become synonymous with the area in which they were painted. Bridie currently works out of The Creator Incubator.