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Evie Core

Evie Core presents RECLAIM, a solo exhibition formed during the past year as the recipient of the HIC Services Artist Residency Award (HIC_ARA) 2023

RECLAIM is a body of work that tells a story of recovery and retrieval through mud, touch, building and rebuilding. It explores the medium of raw, preloved clay, sourced through collection and donation. Though recycled and repurposed, it retains the potential to revert or transform. Exposed are the contemplative, self-stimulatory and intimate processes of making that occurred during a year of remembrance and discovery. A sculptural and sentimental practice in anti-perfectionism normalises confronting the cracks and crumbles - kiss them, acknowledge the progress made.

Concepts of strength and value are questioned through forms that encourage interaction, asking to be broken, held or caressed. What belongs here, if not the flawless, pristine, and worthy?

Occupying space with depictions of repetitive movement and curiosity, RECLAIM reflects a personal dialogue between body and material. Rooted in autoethnographic investigation and expression, the works play with an unceasing awareness of impermanence. They offer an invitation to the messy, fragile, and sensory, while celebrating the queer experience and the ephemeral. It is here amidst the dusty, vulnerable, and affirming, you are welcome home.

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